After arriving at the park I was stunned by its beauty; I would love to see it in the summer time. The park was beautiful! There are numerous picnic tables and a wide range of play ground equipment. But, what got me was the location. There was nothing but ice and snow surrounding the park; it was amazing. The ice was an aqua blue color and I was told that is the case because in the summertime, or when the ice has melted, the water is that color!
The beauty of the park was incredible but I must admit I was nervous about this trip. I went to the park with Sarah (the woman I am living with) and her vice principal (at the high school) Mike. When we originally planned our excursion to the park it was only going to be Sarah and I who went. We were quickly informed however, that this was not the best idea. The park, because it is located next to the water, is the most common place for polar bears to roam. Mike so kindly offered to come along with his shot gun just in case we ran into any unwelcomed animals. Thankfully we did not! That being said, a few weeks ago Mike took a trip to the park with one of his fellow colleagues and they actually did spot a polar bear! Here are a few pictures I took at the park. It was a beautiful day but the temperatue was below -40 with the windchill. I didn't take many photos because taking my hands out of my gloves was painful. Not to mention that my camera battery doesn't last long in these freezing temperatures!
Mike & Sarah walking towards the park
The ice that surrounds that park. It was aqua blue but you are unable to see it in the photo.
A lone boat just sitting in the middle of the park!